Tuesday, August 20, 2019

I was having this delicious chocolate muffin the other day and over heard some one say "How does she eats this much and not get fat!??"
I realized the thing that you will get hungry even if you don't wake up form your bed the whole day doing nothing, But what's a big deal in that, i mean we live to eat and we have to eat to live anyway, NO?

Having a partner called food is enough tempting and i can get my life easily sorted with some bites of brownie or cheese cake or a large size pizza!
I mean the satisfaction you get when you get you order ready of this warm and delicious plate of Rajma Chawal or Curry Rice. the fragrance melts your heart and the fell is all over your soul. your nostrils feel alive and you want to have it as quickly as possible. 

You take the spoon and fill it with tempting rajma chawal and open your mouth to stuff it inside and the moment it fills your mouth, your tongue has it's taste all around and your heart feels contented.

 That is the feel of fulfillment that people search in others nowadays when the great partner FOOD itself is there right beside them. 


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